
ONE Problem confuse us

according to embassy book, we found:

Embassy executor

The Embassy executor is an async/await executor designed for embedded usage along with support functionality for interrupts and timers.


  • No alloc, no heap needed. Task are statically allocated.
  • No "fixed capacity" data structures, executor works with 1 or 1000 tasks without needing config/tuning.
  • Integrated timer queue: sleeping is easy, just do Timer::after_secs(1).await;.
  • No busy-loop polling: CPU sleeps when there’s no work to do, using interrupts or WFE/SEV.
  • Efficient polling: a wake will only poll the woken task, not all of them.
  • Fair: a task can’t monopolize CPU time even if it’s constantly being woken. All other tasks get a chance to run before a given task gets polled for the second time.
  • Creating multiple executor instances is supported, to run tasks at different priority levels. This allows higher-priority tasks to preempt lower-priority tasks.
we want to figure out how the highlight features are implemented

The Rust’s macro grammar used in embassy

Learn macro

About time interrupt of timer

About the macro part of interrupt in Timer

I am curious about the startup and interrupt

how does the interrupt defined? And where I can find them?
This repository contains various crates useful for writing Rust programs on Cortex-M microcontrollers:
  • cortex-m: CPU peripheral access and intrinsics
  • panic-itm: Panic handler that sends messages over the ITM/SWO output

try to figure out the executor in embassy with stm32f401 example

stm32F401 adapt to ex: multiprio

The Execution Flow of Blinky

Just debug the code and know how the async Rust run

The critical implementation part

The Critical section implementation

To Implement our TCB, We should now some grammar of lifetime

The Rust Life Time

Things we need to know about rust grammar

Rust grammar supplement

Important things done in uC/OS

Important design in uC/OS rust

track the process of debug

Trouble Tracking
Chasing Possible
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